Published on Sep 24, 2018
DAILY MCQ 59 answer

Drug of choice for resistant rheumatic chorea refractory to treatment  is

A.        haloperidol

B.        IV immunoglobulin

C.        sodium Valproate

D.        carbamazepine

Ref: Harrison 19 E/P 2153

Treatment of rheumatic chorea:

mild cases:

  • be managed by providing a calm environment
  • carbamazepine or sodium Valproate is preferred to haloperidol
  • response seen after 2 weeks and continued for 2 weeks after symptoms fall down

 severe chorea:

Severe or refractory cases:

  • corticosteroids(Prednisone or Prednisolone)  are effective and lead to more rapid symptom reduction in chorea
  • to be selected  in  severe or refractory cases

Severe chorea refractory to other treatments

 IV immunoglobulin :

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